Land Rover Palm Beach Joins 19th Annual Boy Scouts of America Sporting Clays Fun Shoot

January 31st, 2017 by

On January 27th Land Rover Palm Beach staff joined the Gulf Stream Council’s 19th Annual Boy Scouts of America Sporting Clays Fun Shoot at the South Florida Shooting Club in Palm City, FL. The Land Rover Palm Beach team included store owner Stephen Myers Jr, General Manager Matt Adkins, client Anthony Aguirre and Land Rover technician Austin Enos.

” Land Rover Palm Beach is proud to support the Gulf Stream council. We have been involved for close to 15 years, they are a great organization,” said Matt Adkins.

Not only did the Land Rover team have a great day at the South Florida Shooting Club, but they also nabbed the number one spot with a 383 score. Awesome job team LRPB!

Land Rover Palm Beach Team Stephen Myers Jr., Matt Adkins, Anthony Aguirre and Austin Enos participate in the 19th Annual Boy Scouts of America Gulfstream Council Sporting Clays Fun Shoot

For more information about New Land Rover vehicles, Approved Certified Land Rover models or parts in West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Delray Beach or Boca Raton please contact us at 866-800-8206.